Let's Make A Clinometer

What is clinometer?

A Clinometer is a useful piece of equipment for measuring angles and calculating approximate heights. It is used frequently in forestry, engineering and astronomy. It is also called an Astrolabe on account of being used in astronomy. It was invented over 1,000 years ago and was an important piece of equipment for early navigators. You can use it here to estimate the height of a tree, building etc.

How to make it?

  • First, download and print the clinometer template from below of this post.
  • Strengthen your protractor by gluing it to a piece of cardboard, then cut the cardboard 2protractors from it.
  • Pute a small hole in your protractor in the middle of the flat edge, where indicated. Attach a piece of string about 8″ long.
  • Attach a small weight to the other end of the string, like a small washer or screw as shown in the picture above.
  • Tape a regular drink straw to the flat edge of the protractor you maked.
  • Yeah! it's ready.